AW: EXI Status

Hi Aaron,

Thank you very much for you interest and please apologize for taking us so long to answer.

> I would like to learn a bit more about EXI's popularity and progress
> to help guide some of the systems we're developing.  Is EXI in a
> significantly better or worse position than it was two years ago?
> This is an area where it is difficult to glean meaningful information
> from looking around on the web.

You are asking a very good question which might be useful for the public also to show our current internal tasks (see below). In
anticipation, let me say that we are making good progress.

> EXI recently reached Candidate Recommendation status.  Do you have any
> feeling for how long it might take from here for it to reach
> Recommendation status?  There is some information online about the W3C
> process, but it's not clear to me how the process translates into wall
> clock time.:)

The EXI Working Group has to meet given requirements before submitting the specification for consideration as a W3C Proposed
The main task, which is also the task we are currently working on, is to complete interoperability testing. The goal is to show at least two implementations, at least one of which is publicly available, that demonstrate interoperability of each EXI feature.

We finished the sub-task of creating test-cases for all EXI features and are about to start testing the actual interoperability between different implementations. At the moment we are a little bit behind schedule, and are striving to be ready for making PR publication request in July.

> Are you aware of any Java EXI libraries besides AgileDelta's
> EfficientXML and Exificient?

The working group maintains a list of available implementations [1]. Any implementer is asked to let us know about his/her efforts.
Beyond what's currently listed, we are aware of several on-going implementation efforts made by WG members, of which the plans for publication, however, have not yet been shared at this point.

Hope this answers your questions,

-- Daniel


Received on Thursday, 3 June 2010 08:19:25 UTC