Re: WSC update - introductory article edited.

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on the French version of this article (I hope to
finish it by tomorrow) and I figured something out that could be a concern
for some people. All the articles were primarily published on
under the Creative Commons "Attribution" license (and it's clearly mentioned
in the article). I wonder how is it possible to comply with such a license
term on a wiki (especially if there is a huge number of editors) ? I know
that Wikipedia use the same CC license but the conditions they give in their
legal page to make their content reusable are just plain crap. In a strictly
French legal point of view, Wikipedia content are impossible to share or
reused. I know that USA (and maybe UK?) have something called "Fair use"
that apply to the content we try to share here and which make it easly
reusable for education and training without any legal concern, but in France
and in many other country there is no such a legal agreement. So, I'm pretty
sure we will never have to be worry about that but I think there is some
legal concern here anyway.

Is there some policy at the W3C about such a case ? The main page of the W3C
wiki claim that "Pages here have no formal status" and that's all.


2011/7/28 Chris Mills <>

> I have edited
> to
> improve language, bring it up to date, and change the perspective from first
> person to third person (it is not really me writing it on my own any more,
> now the article is on the wiki).
> This is ready for translations now.
> --
> Chris Mills
> Open standards evangelist and editor
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Received on Saturday, 30 July 2011 22:21:27 UTC