Re: Web services and application/xhtml+xml

"Karl Dubost" <>
Le 21 nov. 2004, à 08:27, Jim Ley a écrit :
>>> some others only the text without images and CSS, which is fine by me.
>> So I can't support your decision on pragmatic grounds, so I really think 
>> you're expecting too much from these services.  For deploying new 
>> mime-types you can use content-negotiation, do that, and you get what you 
>> want, it may be more complicated for you, but that's reasonable, it's you 
>> not your users that have chosen to be modern.
>ANd I don't ask you to support it ;) personal choice. :) It was not the 
>purpose of the mail.

I was just trying to evangelise a more pragmatic choice...

>Anyway I repeat the real question of this mail. Do you know other services 
>which can't handle application/xhtml+xml.

I've certainly seen them (I suspect they don't actually care about the 
mime-type rather than actively supporting application/xhtml+xml )  I'll see 
if I can remember/turn them up.


Received on Sunday, 21 November 2004 14:36:40 UTC