Re: Best Practices in HTML Re: The use of W3C standards in Denmark Part II

* Karl Dubost wrote:
>	"""The ADDRESS element may be used by authors to
>	supply contact information for a document or a major
>	part of a document such as a form. This element often
>	appears at the beginning or end of a document."""

>Which makes for ADDRESS element a MAY.

Yes, I am not required to use <address> for contact information, I can
use <p> instead or omit contact information from the document. Is there
anything in HTML 4.01 that allows to use the <address> element for non-
contact information (which seems to be your point?)

>I have already an exercise with this game.

It would also be an interesting exercice to figure out whether


violate (implicit or explicit) MUSTs or SHOULDs of the relevant

Received on Monday, 8 March 2004 13:36:27 UTC