Re: Current Version of HTML?

"Karl Dubost" <>
>HTML 4.01 is where the last version of the semantics has been defined
>and so the semantics for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0  are defined in the
>HTML 4.01 specifications.

Okay, trying to be simple so there's no ambiguity:


> doesn't define a conformant link to a dtd or

It's a link to what the HTML 4.01 Rec defines as "the current version of
HTML"  The DTD is not the only arbiter of what is valid in a HTML document
(for example prose limits the checked attribute to input type=radio or
type=checkbox, something which even the W3 homepage chooses to ignore)


Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 07:42:15 UTC