Re: XHTML 1.0 Strict MIME types (was: Re: CSS and Netscape)

Hello Bill,

> You're missing an important point in the note.  The note clearly
> that if the HTML Compatibility Guidelines of the XHTML 1.0 spec are
> then XHTML 1.0 may be served as text/html:

No I was not something missing, but I made the difference between XHTML
1.0 strict and XHTML 1.0 transitional/frames
I wrote only about XHTML 1.0 strict, as in this specs e.g in the img
element vspace and hspace are not allowed.
In XHTML 1.0 transitional these vspace  and hspace attributes are
allowed as in HTML.
I also should  serve for that reason XHTML 1.0 transitional as text/html
but not XHTML 1.0 strict.

As you know is XHTML 1.0 not existing ( XHTML 1.0 has 3 DTDs: strict,
frames and transitional), while only XHTML 1.1 exists. The text in the
note is something confusing I think (it speaks only  about XHTML 1.0 as
you do) .

That makes the difference in my eyes. XHTML 1.0 strict is not
totally compatible with HTML as XHTML 1.0 transitional is.

The differences between XHTML 1.0 strict and XHTML 1.1 are very little.
Only the lang attribute has been removed from all elements  (is replaced
by xml:lang) and the name attribute is replaced in some elements  as in
<a> by only id.


Received on Sunday, 1 September 2002 04:45:24 UTC