Re: I'm here because I'm lazy - a personal intro.

I'm only here for the beer.

I'm Drew, and I work with the WaSP as part of their Dreamweaver Task 
Force. During the recent development of Dreamweaver MX, Rachel Andrew, 
myself and others from the WaSP worked alongside Macromedia to place 
gentle pressure and make good arguments for standards support. 
Macromedia listened and put loads of hard work in, and as a result 
Dreamweaver MX is a fine product with much improved standards support. 
Rachel is on this list too - I'm sure she'll introduce herself.

My first book, Dreamweaver MX Web Development (New Riders) is due out 
next month. The book teaches standards-based web development with 
Dreamweaver as your tool. As you may have gathered, the Dreamweaver 
community is rife with designers and developers who often don't know how 
to operate their tools well, let alone markup a page against a valid 
DTD. There is a vast need for education, as well as the need for a 
strong counter-attack to the misinformation that is handed out by many 
of the community 'experts'.

So that's about where I fit in. I'm a guy who believes in web standards, 
who knows Dreamweaver inside and out but never uses it, and who's keen 
to learn from those around me.

It's great to be here, and I look forward to some good conversation.

drew mclellan

WaSP dreamweaver task force

team macromedia volunteer

Received on Monday, 8 July 2002 15:40:45 UTC