Re: W3C Home page switched to full CSS layout

I think that the order of the page is off, because it doesn't flow 
in linear order from most important to least. At the very least, the 
(as the thing that is updated the most) should come before the list of
links.  This is easily accomplished using CSS-P (CSS2) to place the page
components in proper two-dimensional position while still allowing the
linear page order to make sense.

The Lynx rendition of the homepage follows this message, in plaintext.


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XML Encryption, Decryption Become W3C Recommendations

    10 December 2002: The World Wide Web Consortium today released XML
    Encryption Syntax and Processing and Decryption Transform for XML
    Signature as W3C Recommendations. The specifications have been
    reviewed by the W3C Membership, who favor their adoption by industry.
    Encryption makes sensitive data confidential for storage or
    transmission. Read the press release and testimonials. (News archive)

First Amaya Welcome Page Competition

    10 December 2002: W3C is pleased to announce the first Welcome Page
    Competition for Amaya, W3C's editor/browser. Design the start page
    using W3C technologies such as HTML, XHTML, CSS style sheets, MathML
    expressions, and SVG drawings. Enter as often as you wish. Deadline
    for submissions is 3 February 2003. (News archive)

Modularization of XHTML in XML Schema Last Call Published

    9 December 2002: The HTML Working Group has released a Last Call
    Working Draft of Modularization of XHTML in XML Schema. Comments are
    welcome through 31 January. The document provides a complete set of
    XML Schema modules for XHTML, and allows document authors to modify
    and extend XHTML in a conformant way. Visit the HTML home page. (News

EARL 1.0 Working Draft Published

    6 December 2002: The Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group has
    released the first public Working Draft of the Evaluation and Report
    Language (EARL) 1.0. The specification explains how to use EARL, a
    general-purpose language for expressing test results, and defines a
    basic vocabulary. Feedback is welcome. Read about the Web
    Accessibility Initiative. (News archive)

W3C Announces Home Page Redesign

    5 December 2002: W3C is pleased to announce a home page redesign and
    accompanying FAQ. Written for newer, standards-compliant user agents
    in XHTML 1.0 strict, the design features table-less columns and more
    navigation for accessibility, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for
    layout. W3C welcomes your comments. (News archive)

Multimodal Interaction Use Cases Published

    5 December 2002: The Multimodal Interaction Working Group has 
    Multimodal Interaction Use Cases as a W3C Note. Airline reservations,
    driving directions, and name dialing from mobile terminals are
    analyzed. They highlight device requirements, event handling, network
    dependencies, and user interaction. Read about the Multimodal
    Interaction Activity. (News archive)

W3C Co-Hosts XML 2002

    4 December 2002: W3C is pleased to co-host XML 2002 to be held 8-13
    December in Baltimore, MD, USA. Chris Lilley participates in a Town
    Hall panel on the W3C Technical Architecture Group on 10 December.
    Philippe Le HÈgaret presents W3C Update on 11 December and DOM Level 
    on 12 December. Daniel Weitzner and Liam Quin, W3C XML Activity Lead,
    will attend. (News archive)

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Kynn Bartlett <>      
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain 
Author, CSS in 24 Hours        

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2002 15:23:27 UTC