dissemination questionnaire for SWAD-E website

hi again,

We promised[1] to learn more about the people we arereaching wth our
dissemination efforts, and one way to find out more is to ask website
visitors about themselves. At the last face to face we decided it would
be useful to have a short questionnaire for visitors, linked to
information about the newsletter. We need to decide what those questions
should be. Here are my suggestions, based on [1].

(1) Which group are you from?

Our dissemination plan is based around reaching four different (often
overlapping) groups:

    * Internet, Web and Open Source developer communities
    * Academic and Research Community
    * Content and Tool Producers
    * Industry and Commerce

and perhaps

    * other

so being able to pick from those (check-box-style) would be one
important question.

(2) Where are you geographically based?

To evaluate whether the project is too uk-centric, it would be useful to
know where visitors to the site were based. Perhaps a drop-down menu
would be appropriate here.

(3) How did you hear of us?

This might be useful for working out which are our best dissemintation

Any thoughts?


[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/reports/dissemination_plan_2/

Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2004 06:59:20 UTC