SWAD-E newsletter

hi all,

As part of our revised evaluation plan we have agreed to send out a
monthly newsletter about SWAD-E to individuals who want to sign up.

Dan's already set up a mailing list[1] for the newsletter. The main
question now is, where do we get the content to put in it?

There were two suggestions at the last face to face. One was to use
content from the SWAD-E weblog. The other was get each project partner
to answer an FAQ each month.

So, this is a heads up and a request that people

- regularly write up some of what you are doing on the SWAD-E weblog
(Dan's email on how to do this is here[2])

- be prepared to write an FAQ answer (either to a question you choose,
perhaps from [3], or I'll find one for you).

I will bug people mid-month each month for content and get something
together for mailing at the end of each month, including this month. Any
suggestions for topics to write about or any FAQs that have come up
recently, send them to this list.




Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2004 09:33:17 UTC