Re: SKOS meets Semantic blogging (again)?

* Miles, AJ (Alistair)  <> [2004-08-16 14:15+0100]
> Nice work :)
> Re SKOS Mapping, have you got any suggestions for changes or new features?
> SKOS Core is getting all the attention right now, but I'm happy to do
> changes to SKOS Mapping too if they get consensus on the list.


(dropping the 'has-' idiom in the label, though just my taste...)

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="approximate Match">
  <rdfs:label>appropximate match</rdfs:label>
  <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#mappingRelation"/>
  <rdfs:comment>If concept A has (an) 'approximinate match' to some 
concept B then typically a majority of resources that have concept 
A as a (dc:)subject will also have concept B as their (dc:)subject, and 
vice-versa. This relationship indicates a general, if ill-defined, 
strong similarity between two SKOS concepts.</rdfs:comment>

I have a use case for this, in mapping between the SKOS concepts in
my personal weblog with those from others I contribute to, eg. SWAD-E
and FOAF.

(BTW I checked the behaviour of Wordpress w.r.t. deleting categories; it
seems to take care _not_ to re-assign its numeric identifiers to 
subsequently created new categories).



Received on Monday, 16 August 2004 15:45:12 UTC