TemaTres 3.0 release is out!, open source web tool to manage controlled vocabularies

*** apologies for cross-posting ***

We are pleased to announce TemaTres 3.0, open source web tool to manage
formal representations of knowledge (Ontologies, Taxonomies, Thesauri,
glossaries,etc ).

Here the changelog TemaTres 3.0:
- Add Bulk Editor for multiligual vocabularies
- Add admin reports (all terms, all relations, all notes)
- Add 2 new commands to web API: termsSince (terms created/mod since date)
and relationsSince (relations affected since date)
- Add modal preview for term provided by external vocabularies
- Add modal view to list terms
- Add config options in config.tematres.php to enable or disable HTML data
in web services
- Add config options in config.tematres.php to define tag separator in
import txt file
- Add name of editor in notes metadata
- Full revision of French texts

Updates and minor bugs:
    update glozariser
    update to TinyMCE 4.6
    update PHPmailer class
    update HTMLpurfier to HTML Purifier 4.9.3
    fix potential XSS vulnerability
    fix bug in import Skos-core files

Many thanks to the feedback and contributions provided by TemaTres
community :)

Any comments or doubt are welcomed :)

About TemaTres: http://vocabularyserver.com/
TemaTres around the world: http://vocabularyserver.com/vocabularies/
Examples and code about integration between TemaTres and any web app:
Gihub TemaTres: https://github.com/tematres/TemaTres-Vocabulary-Server
TemaTres Demo: http://r020.com.ar/tematres/demo/index.php?setLang=en
TemaTres documentation: http://vocabularyserver.com/wiki/

Diego Ferreyra

Received on Friday, 1 December 2017 19:48:43 UTC