Registration Invitation: Classification & Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery, Lisbon 29-30 October

[apologies for cross-posting}

===Invitation for Registration ===

The International UDC Seminar entitled "Classification & Authority
Control: Expanding Resource Discovery" will take place in The National
Library of Portugal in Lisbon, on 29-30 October 2015.

Linked data practices and techniques have opened new possibilities in exploiting controlled vocabularies and improving resource discovery.
Authority data held in library systems often includes classification schemes. These knowledge structures now have the potential for being shared across the linked data environment.

The objective of the conference is to explore issues in managing
classification vocabulary in and between information systems. Particular
emphasis will be on the possibilities for exploiting and sharing subject
authority data in the linked data environment.

Speakers include Michael Buckland, Barbara Tillett, Dagobert Soergel,
Rebecca Green, Maja Žumer & Marcia Zeng, Nuno Freire, Maria Inês
Cordeiro, Andrea Scharnhorst & Richard Smiraglia, Wolfram Sperber,
Koraljka Golub, Claudio Gnoli, Marie Balikova, Victoria Francu.

Conference website:
Venue:  National Library of Portugal, Campo Grande 83, Lisbon
Conference fee: € 250 (students 210)
(The registration fee covers lunches, refreshments, reception and the conference proceedings book)

Organizer: UDC Consortium


Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 10:09:39 UTC