Re: SKOS transitive hierarchical relations

Your question allows to illustrate the notion of "application profile":
* To store the BTs (broaders) is just good as unique and orthogonal 
    ( it is very easy to generate all the other relations dynamically, 
depending on the needs )
* For data exchange between independent applications, orthogonal 
information is the best.
* For XSLT transformations of data into HTML display, you may need to 
generate the missing relationships and also to respect rule in RDF 
formatting to allow XSLT parsing.

So we may have an interesting job to define SKOS application profiles 
(RDF formatting rules):
* local storage
* exchange with other institutions (different levels?)
* XSLT processable
* Protege 4 !
* others ???


Le 4/01/2012 17:47, Dominique Guardiola a écrit :
> Le 4 janv. 2012 à 15:26, Antoine Isaac a écrit :
> I'm currently developing a little thesaurus management web application, this point is important for me too
>> Indeed, the original idea is that the vocabulary providers would start publish assertions with skos:broader/narrower.
> Who do you call the "vocabulary providers" ?
> If I'm creating a SKOS thesaurus from scratch, using a web GUI that allows me to state either kind of relation, and I know that two concepts have a broaderTransitive relation, what prevents me in the SKOS specification to qualify this relation directly as broaderTransitive ?
>> Then broader/narrowerTransitive statements could be infered, and materialized either by the thesaurus publisher or by a data consumer.
> This leads me to another related question I had : Right now, I'm allowing broaderTransitive relations
> Say
> ex:ConceptA skos:broaderTransitive ex:ConceptB
> ex:ConceptB skos:broaderTransitive ex:ConceptC
> Should my thesaurus app creates and maintains the "missing" relations ?
> ex:ConceptA skos:broader ex:ConceptB
> ex:ConceptB skos:broader ex:ConceptC
> ex:ConceptA skos:broader ex:ConceptC
> --
> Dominique Guardiola, QUINODE
> •
> • Tel :
> • Mob :

Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2012 17:06:54 UTC