Re: ANN: Skosify 0.1 - converting RDFS/OWL/SKOS into proper SKOS

On 26.05.2011 15:46, Jim McCusker wrote:
> Do you handle any of the restrictions?
> I also convert restrictions of the form "x prop some values of y" into
> "x prop y". Unions like (x subclassof union( y,z)) becomes (y
> skos:broader x. z skos:broader x) and intersections like (x subclassof
> intersection(y,z)) become (x skos:broader y,z).

Ah, no, I didn't notice this when I looked at your code. Skosify won't 
do any of this, although it wouldn't be too hard to add as long as the 
algorithm is straightforward, which appears to be the case.

> I'd be happy to merge projects with you regardless. This was a weekend
> hack that got out of control for me. :-)

Patches welcome :) The implementation languages are different so merging 
the code is perhaps not feasible. But the approaches in the code seem to 
be very similar (old-fashioned procedural RDF mangling, not any fancy 
rule engine stuff) so translating from one codebase to another shouldn't 
be hard.


Osma Suominen | | +358 40 5255 882
Aalto University, Department of Media Technology, Semantic Computing 
Research Group
Room 2541, Otaniementie 17, Espoo, Finland; P.O. Box 15500, FI-00076 
Aalto, Finland

Received on Thursday, 26 May 2011 14:04:15 UTC