Dear Emily,

SKOS is a generic data model for knowledge organization systems, so in theory SKOS could be used as a guide to express data in different ways, including "traditional" XML. There have been in fact some talks about XML schemas in the past, but I don't remember who and when--if anyone here has pointers, feel free to send them around!

However, that's theory: the design and specifications of SKOS have been mostly influenced by semantic web principles, and the SKOS standard package is only intended at creating RDF data.
This data may be serialized in the XML syntax for RDF, but this is probably not the kind of XML you'd be searching for: the semantic constraints that are expressed in the SKOS "ontology" are quite different from the syntactic constraints you would expect in an XML schema.

Now the question for you is whether you are *only* searching for an XML schema: SKOS and RDF may meet your needs as well, and even offer more...



> Hi, I apologize if this sounds stupid but I was looking for an XML schema for a thesaurus and I happened upon SKOS. I cannot tell what it is from all these acronyms and talk about the semantic web.  It is all very confusing. Is SKOS XML or something else?
> Thank you,
> Emily
> Emily Nedell Tuck
> Data Standards Manager*
> **M*/useum of /*F*/ine /*A*/rts, /*H*/ouston/
> P.O. Box 6826, Houston, TX 77265-6826
> 1001 Bissonnet Street, Houston, Texas 77005
> (713) 353-1523
> <>

Received on Friday, 4 March 2011 08:43:31 UTC