Re: [?? Probable Spam] Project to develop a PHP class for SKOS Validation

Hi all,

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:15:40AM +0200, Christophe Dupriez wrote:
> Dear Mr.Pastor Sánchez,
> I am working on something similar in the Java environment, also
> hoping to share efforts and results with a community.
> I would propose to share the design (and, if possible, a Web API).
> The idea is to not only have the basic "built-in" SKOS integrity
> rules but also to generate warning, questions to the thesaurus
> manager so (s)he can improve the semantical quality of his(her)
> cathedral.
> A very very preliminar list:
> Statistics / Exception listing based length of labels are also useful.
> Eurovoc managers may have ideas (Bernard Vatant, do you have any
> clue about this?)
> The first thing could be to gather a bibliography on the topic...
> And the rules used by current validators (Schematron, PoolParty)

My contributions...

The experimental SKOS validation service [1] implements the tests described
at [2] using the generic schemarama 2 service at [3]. Note that the tests in
[2] were written before the SKOS Recommendation was completed. Of the tests,
A1, A2, B1 and B3 do actually test for inconsistencies w.r.t. the SKOS data
model. B2 and B4 are not relevant any more (symbol labels were dropped). The
tests in groups C and D are *not* consistency tests, but *are* the sorts
of test that might be useful for thesaurus management. All the tests are
implemented as a single SPARQL query, e.g., [4] implements test B1. Some of the
tests require some inferences to be computed prior to executing the test query.

I'm sorry to say that anything hosted under the domain
might disappear in the near future - it's hosted by a previous employer,
and they are planning to shut the server down soon (possibly in the next
few weeks), and I haven't had a chance to move the content elsewhere -
so if you're interested, grab it while you can.




> Wishing you a very nice day!
> Christophe Dupriez
> Le 13/07/2010 18:51, Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez a écrit :
> >Dear Colleagues
> >
> >I am currently developing an open source Thesaurus Management System,
> >based on the SKOS model. This project is being developed to run on PHP
> >+ MySQL environment, with a very simple installation process,
> >multi-user, and with various features aimed at the exploitation of
> >SKOS based schemes (such as SPARQL Endpoint). The project is currently
> >developed in 50% and I intend to release a first alpha release in
> >about six months.
> >
> >I am currently using the framework ARC2, thinking about the
> >integration of SKOS in some Content Management Systems (like Drupal).
> >
> >I would like to incorporate a SKOS validation tool to my project. I
> >think that would be interesting to provide an open source library
> >written in PHP + MySQL + ARC2. This tool could take the form of a PHP
> >class that could be incorporated into other projects.
> >
> >> From now on I make a call to those who wish to participate in this
> >project of SKOS validator. Anyone interested in this initiative can
> >send me an email and begin to create a working group.
> >
> >Regards
> >

Alistair Miles
Head of Epidemiological Informatics
Centre for Genomics and Global Health <>
The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Roosevelt Drive
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1865 287669

Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 09:01:39 UTC