Re: SKOS support in Drupal

In the -dev branch of import-export anyway :-B
I should put together a little screencast.

As it's so esoteric, it may not be for human consumption - I mean it  
took me over a year to find the first (only) example of SKOS in the  
wild that represented a taxonomy that was suitable for import!
So it's not something I've been crowing about, it's just another thing  
that MAY be useful to someone somewhere down the track.

If anyone can link to a SKOS file that represents a glossary,  
taxonomy, or restricted vocabulary in any useful field, I can point  
the machine at it and see what happens. So far results have been  
surprisingly good, but I'm sure that some tuning may be needed if I  
feed it enough astual data.


On 24/11/2009, at 4:20 AM, Antoine Isaac wrote:

> Hello,
> Cool news from the Drupal community: Drupal is in fact supporting  
> SKOS in its taxonomy module [1].
> Kudos to the DFKI team who implemented this!
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> [1]

Dan Morrison  ph +64 (21) 169 2879

Received on Tuesday, 24 November 2009 08:33:48 UTC