Re: Need advice on using same URI for SKOS and FOAF descriptions

Hello Andrew

This very question has been discussed at large last month in this forum. See
See also the current thread started by Peter De Vries about "Cougar
concolor" species being represented as either/or/both a skos:Concept,
owl:Class and whatever else.




2009/12/4 Houghton,Andrew <>

> I'm currently working on a project that involves producing SKOS and FOAF
> for a person.  The current proposal has the RDF looking like:
> <rdf:RDF>
>  <foaf:Person rdf:about="urn:person:1">
>    <foaf:name>person 1</foaf:name>
>    <dc:date>1995</dc:date>
>  </foaf:Person>
>  <skos:Concept rdf:about="urn:person:1">
>    <skos:prefLabel>person 1</skos:prefLabel>
>    <dc:date>1996</dc:date>
>  </skos:Concept>
> </rdf:RDF>
> I'm a little concerned looking at this.  The same URI is being used for
> foaf:Person and skos:Concept.  If this gets dumpped into a triple store,
> urn:person:1 will be both of rdf:type foaf:Person and skos:Concept, what
> would this mean or imply?  I thought, somewhere in my OWL reading, that it
> was discouraged for a resource to have multiple rdf:type, but I cannot find
> where I read this now.
> The properties for foaf:Person and skos:Concept are also going to be
> dumpped together, which might be acceptable, but what happens when the same
> property exists in both the definition of foaf:Person and skos:Concept with
> different values, like dc:date?  How can someone tell that the dc:date
> "1995" came from foaf:Person description rather than the skos:Concept
> description to maybe decide which one is correct?  What if I wanted to write
> a SPARQL query to return only the foaf:Person description?
> Do I need to make foaf:Person and skos:Concept disjoint, like:
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="foaf:Person">
>  <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="skos:Concept" />
> </rdf:Description>
> FYI, I used the URN URIs for understanding the issue, the actual project is
> going to be using HTTP URIs.
> Thanks, Andy.

Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 09:06:49 UTC