Re: Why not a generic skos:label datatype property? Re: Southampton Pub data as linked open data

On 29 Jul 2008, at 16:16, Bernard Vatant wrote:

> John
> Just to be sure everyone caught it correctly : there is *no* such  
> property as skos:label *so far* in the SKOS vocabulary.
> My proposal is to introduce it in SKOS as a clean, OWL-DL  
> conformant, alternative to various hacking of rdfs:label non- 
> semantics.

Some sort of standard mechanism for indicating what bits of an  
ontology should be displayed (or whatever) would be a boon.  
Suggestions, proposals, data, OWLED papers...all welcome :)


Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2008 15:40:40 UTC