Re: SKOS Comment (Reference WD June 2008) - broaderTransitive < broader, narrowerTransitive < narrower

On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Leonard Will <>wrote:

> Instead of using the terms "broaderTransitive" and "broader", it would be
> clearer and in keeping with thesaurus practice to use "broaderGeneric",
> "broaderPartitive" and "broaderInstantial" as well as the general
> relationship "broader" (which would not be transitive if it allowed a
> mixture of the specific types).

"The Hierarchical Relationship" is transitive across the subtypes within the
domain of Knowledge Organization Systems;  however the subtype of
relationship is lost. BTI is considered by most to be a subtype of BTG, but
obviously must be the terminal node in a chain).

car_wheel BTP car
car BTG wheeled_vehicle
wheeled_vehicle BTG vehicle
car_wheel BT car
                 BT wheeled_vehicle
                 BT vehicle

Received on Friday, 1 August 2008 22:53:00 UTC