FW: KOST 2007 - deadline extended



From: Peter Scheir [mailto:pscheir@know-center.at]
Sent: Wed 02/05/2007 16:24
To: Tudhope D S (AT)
Subject: KOST 2007 - deadline extended


Perhaps you already know that the deadline for I-Know 2007
(http://www.i-know.at/) and KOST 2007 (http://www.i-know.at/kost) have
been extended to May 21.
We, the organizers, would be very happy if you could spread the word
about KOST to people potentially interested in our Special Track.
We would be pleased about a submission from your side as well.

Best regards, Peter

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2007 09:59:09 UTC