More on Notations, Non-symmetric relations, Extended Notes, Subject counts


Andrew Houghton from OCLC gave me some good input about the encoding of
DDC with SKOS, so I updated the

Quick Guide to Publishing a Classification Scheme on the Semantic Web

To a second tentative draft, 11 September 2006.

These are the changes:

== Notations ==

ISO 693-2's language code "art" for articifical languages is
inappropriate for notations. Fortunately there is a new language code
"zxx" for non-linguistic. Notations in SKOS should always use this
language code. Note that if you specify no language code then there is
no way to determine if a prefLabel is a notation or not the the language
code should be mandatory for notations.

== Non-symmetric relations ==
Using rdfs:seeAlso for non-symmetric relations is probably
inappropriate. dcterms:references (an element refinement of dc:relation)
should be used instead.

== Extended Notes ==

For textual class description XHTML is probably the best choice. Note
that XHTMl can also include RDF with RDFa. I'm not sure if this example
is valid:

<skos:Concept rdf:about="">
  <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="zxx">76-xx</skos:prefLabel>
    <rdf:value rdf:parseType="Literal">
      <p xmlns=""
        For general continuum mechanics, see
        <a href=""
        or other parts of
        <a href=""

Maybe we can encode more of SKOS with RDFa so we can get rid of the
cruel RDF/XML encoding that is broken by design anyway.

== Subject counts ==

SKOS allows to specify subject indexing of single records with
skos:subject, skos:isSubjectOf, skos:primarySubject, and
skos:isPrimarySubjectOf. However for many applications the total number
of records indexed with a specific concept is needed while the actual
relations may be unknown. I propose a new property
skos:skos:hasSubjectCount and a class skos:skos:SubjectCount - please
have a look at the wiki page for examples.


P.S: Anyone else coming to the NKOS workshop at ECDL next week?

Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 13:27:34 UTC