Re: SKOS Guide and owl:sameAs

Hi Andrew
> The SKOS guide [1], in the "Concept Identity and Mapping" section, states that owl:sameAs *should not* be used to indicate that two concepts share the same meaning.  It gives some rationale in the section for this.  Looking at the OWL guide [2], in the "4.1. Equivalence between Classes and Properties" section, I'm wondering whether one can use owl:equivalentClass to indicate that two concepts share the same meaning.  If there is a reason why owl:equivalentClass can/cannot be used for this, should it also be mentioned in "Concept Identity and Mapping" section?
Yes, there is a good reason.
A skos:Concept is not a class, and the domain of owl:equivalentClass is 



> Thanks, Andy.
> [1] <>
> [2] <>


*Bernard Vatant
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Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2006 23:09:36 UTC