Rappresentation of special compound term

I'm trying to convert our thesaurus in SKOS format, but I'm not able to
rappresent the splitting of compound not preferred terms. Sometimes it may
be usefull because users search using them.
Using an English example, I want to allow the user to find the compound
term rail safety, but redirecting them to use the two term railways and

In a paper thesaurus I could write:
rail safety (not accepted)
use railways + safety

In SKOS the non accepted terms haven't an autonomous entry, but I can't
indicate that rail safety is an <altlabel> for railways or for safety.
How do you resolve problems like this?

Thank you in advance,

Piero Cavaleri
Biblioteca Rostoni
Università Cattaneo
C.so Matteotti, 22
21053 Castellanza (VA)

e-mail: pcavaleri@liuc.it

Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2006 09:23:32 UTC