RE: [PORT] new editor's working draft of SKOS Core Vocab Spec

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Bernard Vatant
> Sent: 09 October, 2005 16:44
> To: Mikael Nilsson
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: [PORT] new editor's working draft of SKOS Core Vocab Spec
> Michael
> > Just as each XML language would specify what kinds of 
> extensions are 
> > allowed, each SKOS concept scheme will specify what policy 
> rules it follows.
> That's an interesting idea, but can you provide any clue on 
> how you would envision such a specification?
> Unformal documentation? Formal attributes on the 
> skos:ConceptScheme element? Both?
> Anything else?

You could simply issue a policy statement about a concept scheme in SKOS by specifying dcterms:conformsTo with a value of BS8723 or Z39.19 or use an appropriate URI like:



Received on Monday, 10 October 2005 00:58:22 UTC