Re: comment: WD 10 May 2005

I haven't been following this discussion in detail I'm afraid but just 
wanted to respond on one technical point.

John McClure wrote:

> The problem begins with skos:subject whose range is a skos:Concept. From what
> I've learned, a skos:Concept when instantiated is an owl:Thing. This means
> skos:subject cannot reference an rdfs:Class. This means that regardless of how
> comprehensive an ontology bound to a document is, none of its classes can be
> referenced as indicative of the subject of a text unit.

That's not, in fact, the case. You are correct that using skos:subject to 
reference an rdfs:Class would take you out of OWL/DL into OWL/full but 
using any property other than rdf:type to reference an rdfs:Class from an 
individual would do the same. You have no choice but to be in OWL/full for 
thesaurus usage. In OWL/full then OWL:Thing has the same extent as 
rdfs:Resource and so includes instances of rdfs:Class. So I don't believe 
there is any problem using skos:subject to refer to things which are also 
rdfs:Classes if that is what you chose to do.


Received on Friday, 22 July 2005 07:52:12 UTC