Re: SKOS and MeSH qualifiers

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005, Leonard Will wrote:

> A complication is that many terms which exist as MeSH qualifiers also
> exist as MeSH descriptors (e.g. economics, education, drug therapy, ...
> ). Some concepts (e.g. adverse effects) exist only as qualifiers.
> I think that it is undesirable to have the same concept occurring twice
> in a scheme, once as a descriptor and once as a qualifier. Do we
> therefore have to have an additional property attached to those which
> are only to be used as qualifiers, specifying something like "do not use
> as the first-cited, or only, term in a string".
Would it not be possible/appropriate to use (borrowing heavily from
Alistair Miles' earlier example):

@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix mesh: <> .
@prefix md: <> .
@prefix mq: <> .

mesh:descriptor a rdf:Class;
	rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept;

mesh:qualifier a rdf:Class;
	rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept;

md:economics a skos:Concept;
	rdf:type mesh:descriptor;
	rdf:type mesh:qualifier;

mq:"adverse effects" a skos:Concept;
	rdf:type mesh:qualifier;

or possibly:

md:economics a mesh:descriptor;
	rdf:type mesh:qualifier;

mq:"adverse effects" a mesh:qualifier;

-- Robert

Robert Watkins

Received on Monday, 11 July 2005 15:48:34 UTC