RE: skos documentation properties, alternatives

Hi Ben, all,

Thinking about this, I quite like Benjamin's approach 2 below.  One reason is that it allows the public/private classification to be orthogonal to the note function.  Also for the other advantages he lists.  I would be interested to see if others also prefer this alternative.



> ####### alternative approach 2: ########
> - n+2 terms
>    - n classes
>    - 1 owl:DatatypeProperty
>    - 1 owl:ObjectProperty
> - a single object property is used to link a concept
>   to a note, notes can be typed.
> - use case examples:
>    [[[
>       <skos:Concept rdf:about="#foo">
>          <skos:note>
>             <skos:Example>
>                <skos:noteValue>bar</skos:noteValue>
>             </skos:Example>
>          </skos:note>
>       </skos:Concept>
>    ]]]
>    [[[
>       <skos:Concept rdf:about="#foo">
>          <skos:note>
>             <skos:Example>
>                <skos:noteValue>bar</skos:noteValue>
>             </skos:Example>
>          </skos:note>
>       </skos:Concept>
>    ]]]
>    [[[
>       <skos:Concept rdf:about="#foo">
>          <skos:note>
>             <skos:Example rdf:about="bar.html" />
>          </skos:note>
>       </skos:Concept>
>    ]]]
> - advantages
>    - unambiguous use of documentation properties
>    - more or less the same serialization for any
>      use case
>    - OWL DL-happy (?)
>    - untyped notes are possible
>    - notes can get multiple types (e.g. a public
>      editorialNote, types from other vocabs)
>    - facilitated querying (?)
> - disadvantages
>    - serializations are a little bit more complex
>    - no plain literal notes (which doesn't really
>      facilitate the generation of simple editing
>      forms)
> hope this is helpful at all, still looks like a job
> for the vocab management task force..
> regards,
> benjamin
> --
> Benjamin Nowack
> Kruppstr. 100
> 45145 Essen, Germany

Received on Monday, 28 February 2005 21:35:32 UTC