Re: [PORT] Which is the right list to discuss SKOS now?

* Bernard Vatant <> [2005-02-24 10:43+0100]
> I've lately seen messages about SKOS being posted either on, or
>, or both lists like this one. Since SKOS in now on the SWBP table,
> and on the W3C Recommendation track, I'm not sure what should be the practice now.

I've tended to send detailed comments to public-esw-thes; and more 
process or workflow or WG-specific things to the WG list. BTW we're not 
yet agreed we're on track to RECommendation. I'm not sure best way to 
partition things between lists either fwiw... 


> Meanwhile I forward to SWBP two messages I posted lately to only,
> well aware that it is not a best practice :)
> Bernard
> **********************************************************************************
> Bernard Vatant
> Senior Consultant
> Knowledge Engineering
> "Making Sense of Content" :
> "Everything is a Subject" :
> **********************************************************************************

Received on Thursday, 24 February 2005 09:49:48 UTC