Re: [PORT] quality assurance and integrity testing for skos data

Hi Alistair,

This comes back to the same thing I posted a few days ago [1]:
maybe different categories of issues are in order because this is not 
a change proposal.



Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:
> Hi Mark,
>>Hi Alistair,
>>I agree, but what kind of proposal do you mean? A proposal to include 
>>some text on quality assurance in the Guide?
> Well, I'd just like to add an item to the proposals list that says something along the lines of: we think quality assurance is important, and furthermore we can't capture all of the intended semantics of SKOS Core using RDF+OWL, so we think this should be adressed at some point, possibly with a test framework similar to that published at [1].
> I.e. we're flagging up the issue, we're not sure exactly what to do about it, let's get some feedback.
> I think it's a bit early to suggest that e.g. [1] become an appendix to the SKOS Core Guide, as the schemarama idea needs more air, plus SPARQL isn't solid yet either.
> Cheers,
> Al.
> [1]
>>Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I've tidied up some work I did a little while ago on 
>>quality assurance and 'integrity testing' for SKOS data using 
>>SPARQL queries.  I've written this up at:
>>>I think quality assurance is an important issue, and I'd 
>>like to acknowledge that by adding an item to the SKOS Core 
>>proposals list. Any objections to that?  
>>>I've also implemented a test server, so you can try out the 
>>test cases on your SKOS data, see:
>>>Alistair Miles
>>>Research Associate
>>>CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
>>>Building R1 Room 1.60
>>>Fermi Avenue
>>>Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
>>>United Kingdom
>>>Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440
>>  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
>> -

  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -

Received on Monday, 12 December 2005 14:46:20 UTC