Re: Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web

On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 08:43:58AM +0100, Ron Davies wrote:
> >> Even assuming that a conversion could be done automatically, there is 
> >also
> >> the question of what information might be lost in doing so. The model
> >> underlying SKOS, for instance, does not include all of the information in
> >> the BS 8743 model, which might make it unsuitable for certain kinds of 
> >uses.
> >
> >That sounds like a good topic for a paper or note.
> Or an NKOS workshop at ECDL 2005, or even part of a BSI standard ;-). Stay 
> tuned to this channel....

Dear all,

SKOS will be a big topic at the upcoming DC2005 meeting in
Madrid in September: I believe Alistair will be giving a
tutorial on SKOS; Eric Miller will give a keynote; Semantic
Web-related meetings and workshops are being planned alongside
the paper sessions.

The deadline for papers has past (see attached call, below),
but we will have some flexibility about taking papers for
the next two weeks or so.  Alternatively, some of you could
be interested in the meetings and workshops under discussion

Please do not hesitate to write to me with Cc: Eva Mendez
(copied to this message) and we can put you into touch with
workshop organizers or possibly take a late paper, as the
case may be.



Call For Papers (Open until 15 April 2005)

Metadata Vocabularies in Practice

Metadata based on standards such as Dublin Core are a
key component of information environments from scientific
repositories to corporate intranets and from business and
publishing to education and e-government.  DC-2005 - the fifth
in a series of conferences previously held in Tokyo (2001),
Florence (2002), Seattle (2003), and Shanghai (2004) - will
examine the practicalities of maintaining and using controlled
sets of terms ("vocabularies") in the context of the Web.

DC-2005 aims at bringing together several distinct communities
of vocabulary users:

-- Users of metadata standards such as Dublin Core and
   Learning Object Metadata (LOM), with their sets of
   descriptive "elements" and "properties"

-- The W3C Semantic Web Activity, which has formalized
   the notion of "ontologies"

-- Users of Knowledge Organization Systems, which encompass
   value-space structures such as "thesauri" and "subject

-- The world of corporate intranets, which use "taxonomies"

These diverse communities share common problems, from the
the use of identifiers for terms to practices for developing,
maintaining, versioning, translating, and adapting standard
vocabularies for specific local needs.  Topics of particular
relevance include:

-- Publication of vocabularies as formal schemas
-- Community processes of vocabulary development
-- Vocabulary maintenance and workflows
-- Corporate enterprise metadata and taxonomies
-- Formal ontologies and Semantic Web frameworks
-- Application profiles and vocabulary adaptations
-- Metadata normalization and crosswalks
-- Versioning of vocabularies
-- Use of term identifiers and dereferencing practice
-- Vocabulary registries and registry services
-- Multilingual vocabularies and translations
-- Vocabularies and accessibility

The Program Committee would like to solicit contributions of
the following types:

-- Regular Papers (8 to 10 pages) either describe innovative
   original work in detail or provide critical, well-referenced
   overviews of key developments or good practice in the
   areas outlined above

-- Short papers (2 to 4 pages) describe a specific model,
   application, or activity in a concise format

-- Workshop proposals (1 page) define the topic of workshop
   session, identify organizers, and describe a process for
   inviting and reviewing contributions Paper submissions will
   be peer-reviewed by the program committee and published both
   in print and electronically in the conference proceedings.

All accepted papers must be presented at the conference by
at least one of their authors.

Deadlines and important dates
    Papers submission:       1 April 2005
    Acceptance notification: 1 June 2005
    Camera-ready copy due:   1 July 2005

Confence language

The official language of the conference is English, but
we will provide simultaneous translation (English-Spanish)
for keynotes, tutorials, and plenary sessions.

Dr. Thomas Baker              
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven         mobile +49-160-9664-2129
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft                          work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany                    fax +49-2241-144-2352
Personal email:

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2005 15:13:34 UTC