Re: [Proposal][SKOS-Core] Local (non-URI) identifiers for concepts

On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, Alistair Miles wrote:

>dc:identifier has recently occurred to me here also.
>What if we go ahead with the deprecation of skos:externalID, and replace with
>dc:identifier?  (And drop the proposal for a new property skos:localID).
>The problem of how to cope with concepts that may have more than one identifier
>(possibly deriving from different schemes) still remains, however.

I don't see the problem. There is no reason to restrict the cardinality
(number of dc:identifiers), so you could do as you suggested, or as I have
modified it below:

>What if we recommend here that a sub-property of dc:identifier is created by the
>scheme owners for each identifier?  So e.g.
(I've modified Al's example -CMN)
<skos:Concept rdf:about="">
	<dc:identifier rdf:parsetype="resource">
		<dc:scheme rdf:resource=""/>
		<rdf:value xml:lang="en">Title</rdf:value>
	<dc:identifier xml:lang="fr" rdf:value="Nom du truc"/>

(I should check the syntax, but the idea is the important thing :-)

>Where ex:conceptNumber and ex2:id are both hypothetical properties created by
>scheme owners, and both are declared to be subPropertyOf dc:identifier by scheme
>owners.  (Scheme owners can also declare these props as inversefunctional if
>they choose).


Made sense to me...


Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2004 08:22:20 UTC