Re: xsd:string range for labelling properties ...

Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:

> Do we think it would be a good idea to restrict the range of skos:prefLabel
> and skos:altLabel to xsd:string?  (Currently they're defined with range
> rdf:Literal).

Personally I'd say "no" due to the lang tag issues.

> Even if we don't change the range of skos:prefLabel and skos:altLabel, is it
> still OK for people to declare a datatype for those values, e.g. 

Ish. A plain literal without a lang tag is equivalent to an XML string literal.

> <skos:altLabel rdf:datatype=""
> xml:lang="">foo</skos:altLabel>

The trouble is that xml:lang is not meaningful for xsd:string. So if you 
want people to be able to use xml:lang in their labels they have to use 
either plain literal or full XMLLiterals.


Received on Thursday, 7 October 2004 09:37:33 UTC