EPUB 3 CG Meeting Summary and Minutes for 1 June 2017

Hi Everyone,

We had our second teleconference today. A brief summary:

[1] Work continues on moving various IDPF documents into W3C repos so we
can edit them. We hope to eventually make it easier to find, read, and
understand the specifications and supporting documents. For W3C members,
there will be a joint meeting of the Publishing Business Group and Digital
Publishing Interest Group on June 22–23 in New York City.

[2] We discussed the Education task force. Rachel Comerford will lead this
group, with a primary goal of transforming the existing draft of the EPUB
for Education spec into something aligned with EPUB 3.1, EPUB
Accessibility, and other relevant standards. Integration with LTI will be
handled by IMS outside the community group, although everyone working on
this will coordinate closely.

[3] The Accessibility task force will be led by Avneesh Singh, and work on
updating the EPUB Accessibility Guidelines. There was good news about how
many publishers are already implementing the 1.0 version of the guidelines!

Minutes are now on the Wiki at
https://github.com/w3c/publ-cg/wiki/Minutes-01-June-2017. Feel free to
correct anything that we got wrong.

* * *

Our next teleconference will be in four weeks, on Thursday, June 29 at
16UTC. But let's keep working via email, IRC, and GitHub. As always, if you
have an idea, bug, question, or massive new proposal that will save
publishing and transform the world, file an issue in our GitHub repo (
https://github.com/w3c/publ-cg/issues), or add something to the wiki (



Received on Thursday, 1 June 2017 20:12:47 UTC