Re: IRC for the EPUB 3 Community Group

It's been eons since I've used IRC... but I really liked the idea! And it
makes sense, considering the general spirit behind W3C.


*Eduardo Melo*
Fundador, diretor executivo
Celular/Whatsapp 51 991-77-44-84

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2017-02-10 11:04 GMT-02:00 Daniel Glazman <>:

> On 10/02/2017 14:01, tey tag wrote:
> > Hi Matt,
> > As for me IRC is not profesional for remote works.
> >
> > *Erhan*
> > #teytag
> IRC is common practice inside W3C. We have a lot of tools,
> including a logging bot, that help us maintain discussions,
> confcalls and meetings.
> Some of the benefits of the merger I definitely want to see
> implemented are the following ones:
>   1. IRC used instead of a painful and too often unreliable Google
>      doc for confcall and meeting minutes
>   2. WebEx for confcalls
>   3. permanent URLs for messages into the mailing-list
>   4. face-to-face meeting during TPAC
>   5. github
> </Daniel>

Received on Friday, 10 February 2017 13:19:51 UTC