Workshop at EKAW 2014 in Linköping?

Dear fellow community group members,
I am this year co-chairing (with Valentina Presutti) the workshops and 
tutorials track at EKAW 2014 [1]. We've received a quite low number of 
submissions so far, so we decided on a deadline extension for proposals 
until August 13th, and also a more "personal" advertisement round.

Of course, as chair, I cannot propose any workshop myself, but I know 
that there are some other people in Linköping (Robin, and Henrik, in cc, 
among others) who would be interested in a workshop related to knowledge 
engineering and knowledge management for emergency and crisis 
management. However, a workshop should have more than just local 
support, and one should be pretty sure that there will be enough 
submissions before proposing it. Hence, I am putting out the subject on 
the list here: are there any people here interested in such a workshop? 
I've also included Vita, Deep and Christopher in the sendlist, since you 
have all been involved in the previous SMILE workshops at ESWC and may 
be interested to support something at EKAW as well?

EKAW also hosts tutorials, if anyone has a suitable proposal (I know 
that Tomi did some great tutorials in the past... ;-). Deadline is the 
same as for workshops.

Best regards,


Received on Sunday, 3 August 2014 12:15:03 UTC