Re: Chairs

Hi All,

That's a short introduction about myself.

My name is Satoru Takagi. I am a W3C AC representative of KDDI corporation[1].
My background is distributed Web mapping. And I am one of a member of SVGWG.

For disaster relief, we have responsibility to dispatch disaster information to UA.
And our main expectation for W3C is standardization for Web browsers.
So, we consider that semantic web should be a part of the function for Web browsers strictly.

I will be interested in this CG if web browser and its format (HTML CSS SVG and APIs) for disaster 
relief is in scope of this CG.

[1] KDDI is telecommunication carrier of Japan focusing on mobile and cable television.


Satoru Takagi

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 03:03:32 UTC