Re: What is the correct approximate number of LOD datasets?


I too think it depends very much on the approach.  If you are looking for customers (identity) or are looking for a cultural or shared values (community), symmetry rules, but not in an obvious way.  (reverse the symmetry with the link at the top of the page).

(data sets, Data Science and Data Journalism)
(Planning and Performance)

Page Rank imposes a symmetry plane from top to bottom of a list (a superior/inferior plane).  That can be a challenge.

For example, all governments try to boost tourism - they are attracting customers.   When enumerating cultural and territorial features which may be attractive by reference, Testimonials ("The neighbors went there and loved it") are
 different from curiosity ("Never heard of it, tell me more"). Agnostic "data" will attract both.

(used AU=Australia because the graphs are smallish, it works for just about anywhere.  LOD does not *always* scale to a small screen, Public data ? Are you serious !?)


On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 3:02 PM, Bill Roberts <> wrote:
Unfortunately I don't think it's possible to come up with a meaningful single figure on the number of available LOD datasets.  It depends on how you define a dataset and it depends on your approach to collecting information on what is available.

Best regards

Bill Roberts

On 9 Oct 2013, at 19:32, Kalpa Gunaratna <> wrote:

>   I want to know for documentation purposes, what is the correct approximate number of LOD datasets available. As I can see, I can get statistics from 2 sources.
(1) CKAN (DataHub) lod cloud group, which is used to draw the LOD cloud diagram has now 340 datasets listed.
>(2) LODStats web site mentions there are 2289 datasets but only 870 datasets have no problems.
>It would be nice if somebody knows what statistics are better to use and correct in terms on Linked Open Data cloud of datasets. 
>Kalpa Gunaratna
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>@Kno.e.sis - Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 21:43:02 UTC