eGov reports from 33 European countries - An amazing collection


An astounding amount of information all in English from 33 countries in

I have never seen anything like this that would allow to compare
e-government across US states for example.

Check it out. The reports also include references to OGP participation and

BTW - To comment on the reports, etc. see:

From: "European Commission - ISA² news" <>
Date: Thu, May 19, 2016 at 2:54 AM
Subject: eGov in your country — State of play

Online version <>

*eGov in your country — State of play*

[image: E-news] Are you looking for a comprehensive overview of eGovernment
in your country?

The European Commission has published its annual update of the eGovernment
factsheets <>,
including for the other 27 EU Member States and some further countries.

These factsheets, of some 40 pages each, provide a concise overview of the
current eGovernment activities in your country. Each factsheet has a
chapter on the national eGov strategy, the underlying legislation, the main
players, the eGov Infrastructure in place and the services offered to both
citizens and businesses.

The factsheets have been published by the European Commission’s National
Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO)
<>, which is
operating with the support of the ISA² programme

ISA² supports the modernisation of Public administrations in Europe through
the development of IT solutions that foster interoperability, sharing and

For further information:
• NIFO community on joinup
• eGov factsheets of all countries
• ISA² programme <>
• ISA² solutions <>
[image: Subscribe] <>

Directorate-General for Informatics

Received on Friday, 20 May 2016 12:35:21 UTC