European Data Forum 2014 (EDF2014) - Call for Contributions is open

Dear all 
(apologise for cross posting) 

The organising committee of the European Data Forum 2014 (EDF2014, see: 
is very happy to announce the Call for Contributions for the EDF2014. The next edition of the European Data Forum will take place 
on 19th and 20th of March 2014 in Athens, Greece. All information see: . 

Hereby we would like to invite you to submit your proposal for a presentation at the EDF2014 until 10th of December 2013 - 
see all relevant information below as well as on the Call for Contribution website here: . 

Furthermore we would like to inform you that there is also a Call for Exhibition (CfE) in place already (see: ) 
and that the EDF2014 is offering interesting sponsoring bundles for organisations, projects and enterprises (see: ). 

Best regards - Martin Kaltenböck (General Chair of EDF2014) 


European Data Forum - EDF2014 - Call for Contributions 

The European Data Forum (EDF) is an annual meeting place for industry, research, policy makers, and community initiatives to discuss 
the challenges and opportunities of data in Europe , especially in the light of recent developments such as Open Data, Linked Data and 
Big Data . The forum balances technical (the technology and infrastructure needed to master the volume, heterogeneity and dynamicity 
of today’s data), application (new products and services that are now possible due to Open Data, Linked Data and Big Data), and 
socio-economic issues(social impact, legal issues, government policies and regulations, business models, commercialization and 
innovation in this new era). 

Our aim is to bring together all stakeholders involved in the data value chain to exchange ideas that address the above challenges and 
opportunities, in order to strengthen the European data economy and its positioning worldwide. Discussions at EDF provide input to 
research, development, and policy activities at the European Commission (e.g. Horizon 2020) and those of the EU member states, 
with the aim of influencing the development of the new European data economy. 

An additional goal of the European Data Forum is to establish and foster a truly European data community and ecosystem. This emerging 
community enables promising ideas to move from the stage of research questions all the way to successful deployment and market 
introduction. At the same time, its stakeholders will mutually reinforce their strategies that will result in a forward-looking, dynamic, and 
well-integrated EU-wide ecosystem. 

Because of the strategic importance of multilingualism in Europe, EDF 2014 will promote the integration and co-operation of the 
European data community and the language resources and technology community. The synergy of these communities is critical 
for new types of multilingual digital services and the creation of a European digital single market without language barriers. 

EDF 2014 will be held in Athens, Greece on March 19-20, 2014. The program will consist of a mixture of presentations, panels and 
networking sessions by industry, academics, policy makers, and community initiatives. Topics will cover a wide spectrum of research 
and technology development, applications, and socio-economic aspects of the data value chain. 

With this call for contributions, we are seeking inspiring presentations addressing the topics listed below: 

Innovative research and technology for Open Data, Linked Data and Big Data 
.) New data models, languages and system architectures 
.) Visualisation techniques 
.) Data and content analytics - data mining 
.) Semantic technologies and the Web of data 
.) Geospatial information and its importance in the new era 
.) Language resources and technologies in the new data value chain 

.) Innovative Open Data, Linked Data and Big Data applications in different sectors of the European economy (geospatial, finance and insurance, health, energy, telecommunications etc.) 
.) Open Data, Linked Data and Big data for development (D4D - Data for Development) 
.) Particularly welcome in this year’s EDF are applications showcasing how governments and the public sector are making use and benefiting from Open Data, Linked Data and/or Big Data. 

Socio-economic and policy issues 
.) Economic and business models for new data markets 
.) Legal issues, policies and the European regulatory framework 

Cross-sector learning and collaboration for Open Data 
.) Security and privacy 
.) Data governance 

Data visions for the future 

We distinguish between the following types of presentations: 

.) In-use contribution : Presentations with a practical, industry- or user-oriented focus by representatives of technology providers, adopters, and user organizations. 
.) Research contribution : Presentations with a technical focus by representatives of academia and research centres. Research contributions should summarize a 
broad range of techniques, methodologies or tools of relevance to Open Data, Linked Data and Big Data that have been recently developed by the presenters; 
papers on specific technical results or systems should be rather submitted to specialized research conferences. 
.) Impact contribution : Presentations with a specific focus on impact-creation activities including policy development, road-mapping, standardisation, exploitation and training. 

Each proposal for a presentation will have to provide the following information: 

.) Contributor names and short CVs 
.) Type of the presentation proposed 
.) Title of the presentation 
.) Summary of the presentation (100 words) 
.) Extended abstract of the presentation (at most 4 pages in 11pt A4 format) 

Proposals for presentations should be submitted as a single PDF file at . 
If you experience any difficulties using the submission system, please send the proposal via e-mail to . 
Proposals will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee of EDF 2014 according to their relevance to the scope and purpose of the event. 

Important Dates 
.) Submission of proposals: December 10 2013, 22.00pm CET 
.) Notification of acceptance or rejection: early January 2014 
.) Full EDF2014 program available: end of January 2014 

EDF2014 facts 
.) EDF2014 website: 
.) Overall EDF website: 
.) LinkedIn Group: 
.) Twitter:!/EUDataForum 
.) twitter hashtag: #EDF2014 


Martin Kaltenböck, CMC 
Managing Partner, CFO 

Semantic Web Company (SWC) 
Mariahilfer Strasse 70 / 8 
A - 1070 Vienna, Austria 
Tel +43 1 402 12 35 - 25 
Fax +43 1 402 12 35 - 22 
Mobile +43 650 3905697 

LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - 

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 10:35:03 UTC