Ground-Breaking U.S. Open Data Policy Released!

Hi all--

Today, President Obama issued an Executive Order<> and Open Data Policy<> that are ground-breaking in their requirement for U.S. agencies to open up new data and information, present those in human- and machine-readable formats, and will help to usher in the next stage of open data innovation.

Those of us at the team are seeking your great ideas and constructive criticism as we move forward to the next phase of We want to scale up the quality and quantity of data, be more helpful to American businesses and entrepreneurs looking to use government data and research, more clearly support learning in classrooms, get government data in front of researchers and journalists, and bring the power of open data to American citizens.

It’s all about getting you to the data you need as quickly as possible in a variety of machine-readable formats with better search, more APIs, easier ways to share data, more data resources federated.  You can see an early view of our new CKAN-powered  catalog<>. You’ve told us via forums, list serves, hack-a-thons, blogs, social media, and meetups around the country and the world that we need to have more and better capabilities for developers and innovators.  We are listening.

Find out more details about the technical implementations underway<> and let us know what you think at<> or via Twitter @usdatagov! Get the inside scoop from the U.S. CIO and U.S. CTO on YouTube<>.


Jeanne Holm
U.S. General Services Administration
Cell: (818) 434-5037
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn: JeanneHolm

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2013 17:33:29 UTC