Re: W3C EGOV meeting, Monday 26 November 2012, 9:00 - 10:30 London time

Dear all,

Here is the Joinup link about our Decree:

I have also prepared this presentation to be used by next Monday 26th on
eGovernment WG meeting.

Best regards,

Serafin Olcoz
PS: We have not finished yet the review of the Open Assets model
description, this is the reason why the document  (including RDF
description) is still not available on the web but I hope it will be in a
week or two as much. By beggning of December we¹ll also open OpenApps site
including the distribution of its own source code among other source code
apps distribution.

El 20/11/12 12:27, "Tomasz Janowski" <> escribió:

> Dear All,
> The next meeting of the group will take place as follows:
> DATE - Monday 26 November 2012
> TIME - 0900-1030 London time
> TOPIC - Open Government Data
> - Open Data Kickoff (Tomasz Janowski)
> - Open Knowledge Foundation (Rufus Pollock)
> - Openness and Reuse of Public Sector Information using Open Data Publishing
> (Serafin Olcoz)
> - Plans for Summarizing eGov Discussions (Daniel Bennett)
> - Call for session on open data at WWW 2013 (Tomasz Janowski)
> This will be the second meeting focusing on Open Government Data. We
> warmly welcome expressions of interest to make short presentations
> about Open Government Data at this and future meetings of the group.
> If you know about an initiative, experience, research findings, etc.
> worth sharing, please present it to the group, encourage your
> colleagues to present, and contact Jeanne (
> or Tomasz (
> We will also need a member of the group to help scribe. This is
> essentially taking notes in the IRC chat during the teleconference to
> capture the key points of the discussion. If you are able to scribe
> for the next or future meetings, please contact Tomasz or Jeanne.
> Ways to connect: 
> --Telecon line: Dial +1-617-761-6200 or
><> then conference code 3468#
> ("EGOV#")
> --W3C IRC channel #egov, see or use
> --Scribe: (please volunteer, if you've done this before)
> --Group access via the W3C at and also via LinkedIn at
> the W3C eGovernment Interest Group:
> We look forward to talking with you on Monday...
> Many regards,
> Tomasz
> ------------
> Tomasz Janowski, PhD
> United Nations University
> Co-Chair, e-Government Interest Group, World Wide Web Consortium
> www:
> email: | phone: +853 66652305 | skype: tomaszjanowski

Received on Friday, 23 November 2012 20:12:31 UTC