Re: Web Accessibility Audit?

Hi Julie.
It's been a while, but I believe the University of Wisconsin had some
of the earliest involvement in accessibility issues. And I guess they
would be at least regional to you:
Their mailing lists are here:
Here's an organization at the U of Illinois:
Daniel Smith

On 11/16/12, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:
> Julie
> the notion of 'web acessibility' is also evolving and needs to be
> constantly redefined, imho. Technology is too broad a context these days!
> In our work (at ISTCS) we focus on the cognitive engineering aspect of the
> website, aka 'knowledge accessibility', a slightly more refined and
> focussed audit , and use a methodology called KAF (Knowledge Audit
> Framework)
> Here is a paper about the methodology
> The good news, I guess, is that by following/adopting the methodology ,  a
> team of non specialists users can carry out the audit without hiring
> consultants
> Ping me offlist if interested to learn more
> Best
> Some individuals at Illinois State University have expressed interest in
>> initiating an external audit on the state of technology on campus, and I
>> am
>> gathering contacts to facilitate the process. Are you familiar with any
>> consultants or (or websites that would list consultants or companies) who
>> would conduct such an audit? Any information you can provide is greatly
>> appreciated.****
>> ** **
>> Best,****
>> Julie****
>> ** **
>> Julie Prianos****
>> Director****
>> Institutional Web Support****
>> Illinois State University****
>> (309) 438-5590****
>> ** **

Received on Friday, 16 November 2012 10:43:53 UTC