Restarting W3C eGov Meetings and Roadmap

Hi all--

Thank you for your patience as we organized the many great comments made by the group members over the last few months. We would like to make two announcements.

First, we will be resuming the meetings for the W3C eGov Interest Group. Based on your responses to the survey, we will have a meeting every two weeks, with differing times to best reach your time zones:

  *   Atlantic meetings - every fourth Friday at 0800–0930 Los Angeles time; the first meeting will be held on 29 June 2012
  *   Eurasian meetings - every fourth Monday at 0900–1030 London time; the first meeting will be held on 9 July 2012

Second, the first two meetings will aim at presenting and discussing the roadmap for our group, focused broadly on the questions of mechanics, value proposition, localization and definition of e-government and a plan for discussions around such questions. The questions will be applied to some of the themes that arose at our meeting last year such as open data, accessibility, social media,
education and outreach, and data licensing, as well as newer discussion threads around standards, platforms, and privacy and security.

We have published the draft roadmap document to the wiki at We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to edit the wiki directly or send comments to this list or to Tomasz or Jeanne.  I'll also be including this on our LinkedIn group discussion site at:

Some of the concrete outcomes of these discussions will be a community directory, an eGov library, and other resources that would be useful to the group. More generally, we hope to build understanding and consensus on various aspects and stages of e-government, and on the role of web standards in developing and managing e-government systems.

Looking forward to a productive year!

--Jeanne Holm and Tomasz Janowski
Co-Chairs, W3C eGov Interest Group

Received on Friday, 22 June 2012 10:20:07 UTC