Re: Monday's eGov call looking v interesting


There'll be a link from the wiki to the presentations (if we get them in 
time) and, yes, in the IRC, but you'll be able to open them in your own 
browser and follow along through the audio channel.

Hope you can join us on Monday


On 03/08/2012 18:27, Daniel Smith wrote:
> Phil, just to be sure, I've not yet joined any of the presentations live,
> These are just presented on the IRC channel?
> They aren't posted also over anything like or anything, are they?
> Thanks so much.
> Dan Smith
> Houston
> On 8/3/12, Serafín Olcoz <> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> First at all I want to apologize for not attending last meetings and
>> because
>> I could not either attend the scheduled ones for August (I'm on Holidays).
>> I would like to share with you the news about the recent approval of a
>> Decree on Openness and Reuse of Applications of Public Administrations of
>> Basque Government and the issues that I think are related to the charter of
>> this group, as I wrote in this post:
>> s-and-reuse-applications-decree-already-approved.
>> I hope the final text of the mentioned Decree will be published by the
>> Official Bulletin of the Basque Government in few days or weeks, then I
>> will
>> ask for translation into English in order to share it with all of you. In
>> any case I will come back to you by September.
>> Best regards,
>> Serafin Olcoz
>> El 02/08/12 09:18, "Phil Archer" <> escribió:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Tomasz might be a little modest to say this so I will ;-) It's clear
>>> that Monday's eGov IG call is looking very interesting with several
>>> presentations now lined up covering different social media-centric
>>> projects.
>>> Do join us on the call - the wiki has all the timing and dial in info
>>> Talk to you Monday.
>>> Phil.


Phil Archer
W3C eGovernment
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Friday, 3 August 2012 19:12:32 UTC