global task force, guidelines and case studies (suggestions)

Given the interesting feedback from Tomasz,Jane and others
 on various issues got me inspired to scheme

So,given a bunch of visionaries on the web, whats the best course of action
bring change to this global flaky socio-political system that is not going
anywhere fast enough?
A few  more visionary suggestions cannot hurt

(IG Chairs, please consider including these steps in the plan of action for
this group)

1.  E-GOV AMBASSADORS - Through various networks, we should have enough
contacts to help us identify at least one person per country (possibly more
than one person per country to provide independent views)
to be the local e-Gov  IG Ambassador. Possibly individuals with ethical and
political integrity (not easy to find nor assess :-) Their role to liaise
with local governments for a two way liaison: what do we learn from local
political realities that we need to take into account when doing our work,
and what can we, as the global community of eGov visionaries ,can do to
help transform local situations (that in many cases can be desperately
irreversible systemic troubles).  Can we start a 'recruitment' campaign for
local e-Gov reps?  A scheme of work (suggested actions, some templates and
documentation can be supplied, maybe a  know-how do-what toolkit developed?)

2.  GUIDELINES - This group should start working on some definitions,
principles, processes, technologies and alternatives that can serve as
educational /communication materials as to what e-Gov is,
various models and how they can be realised. In particular in relation to
transformative practices, the transparency and accountability bit, and
citizens participation, the self directed leadership and civic awareness.

3.  LIBRARY OF CASE STUDIES - Each local team could contribute one or more
case studies that tell the world the local story:
which government department has been contacted with what outcomes, what
work needs to be done, what are the barriers, how can we leverage
inernational and global connections - such as the UN, WB and other
organisations we work with, to bridge the gap between the nice face that
the governments put up, and the nasty face they show when failing to
justify the lack of functional decisions.  We could then use the case
studies to a) inform the world and their representatives and b) develop an
overall well informed  pragmatic strategy and tactics

4. Your suggestion and comment here :-)

Hopefully  steps along these lines could help us flick the switch in the
right direction, and most importantly, find out how the global invisible
hand operates to prevent and inhibiting change  and the natural course of


Received on Thursday, 26 April 2012 10:51:49 UTC