Re: Nationhood, Governments and Policy

The existence of a .gov SLD under an arbitrary alpha-2 ccTLD is not a 

Similarly, the assertion that cyber-squatting is not allowed is not a 

Similarly, the assertion that there is no such thing as "anonymous" [I 
suspect you are referring policy allowing anonymous registration] is 
not a given.

The following statement is true, within each instance of a DNS:

 > *.gov.[xx] domain is a global unique identifier, where [xx] is the 
ISO 3166-1 "Country Code".

It is true simply because the DNS is an exact match lookup database, 
and every datum within the distributed, loosely coupled database is 
unique. However, there is no guarantee that the unique datum exists.

I've no idea what the rest of your note relates to.


Received on Friday, 11 February 2011 17:19:55 UTC