RE: OASIS Transformational Government Framework Primer Version 1.0

Hi All,

                The document URL in the attached note seems to have got
corrupted somehow. An extra dot was in serted between "oasis-open" and
org. Removing this dot enables the paper to be retrieved.


Here is the URL again (hopefully uncorrupted as I have just tested it
before sending:-


Please remember that all comments on the document are very welcome.


With apologies for any inconvenience




Nig Greenaway

Government Division



Lovelace Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8SN

Tel: +44 (0) 843 354 5637 Internal: 7302 5637 

Mob : +44 (0) 7867 833147 Internal: 7383 3147

Web: <>  


[] On Behalf Of Greenaway Nigel
Sent: 22 April 2011 08:48
To: W3C eGovernment Interest Group
Subject: OASIS Transformational Government Framework Primer Version 1.0


Hi All,

        I'd like to draw your attention to a new document that the OASIS
Transformational Government TC has produced. It is available at
and the TC would appreciate comments on this work. They  can be
submitted at .

Best Regards


Nig Greenaway

Government Division


Lovelace Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8SN

Tel: +44 (0) 843 354 5637 Internal: 7302 5637 

Mob : +44 (0) 7867 833147 Internal: 7383 3147

Web: <>  

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Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 13:58:56 UTC