eGov Projects Survey Results

The details of the survey are on the web [1] but I thought it was
interesting to see who had given a 4 or 5 for each project, indicating
at least: "I'll put significant time into it. I can attend extra phone
meetings, read and respond to e-mail nearly every day, and can write
text for documents."

So, below is a list of such people (in alphabetical order by first name)
for each project.  Also, there's a combined list of the people, and the
projects for which they are listed.

I expect we'll talk about this more at the meeting in about 8 hours.

   -- Sandro



Project 1 : Government Linked Data: Techniques and Technologies

   1.  Aldo Gangemi
   2.  Boubacar FOUMEKOYE
   3.  Brand Niemann
   4.  Brian Ahierr
   5.  Cory Casanave
   6.  Daniel Dietrich
   7.  Danny Ayers
   8.  Dave McAllister
   9.  Ed Summers
  10.  John Sheridan
  11.  Jos� Manuel Alonso
  12.  Luigi Selmi
  13.  Manos Batsis
  14.  Michael Hausenblas
  15.  Pedro Markun
  16.  Roy Graham
  17.  Sandro Hawke
  18.  Sergey Lizin
  19.  Thomas Bandholtz

Project 2 : Government Linked Data: Strategies and Success Stories 
   1.  Brand Niemann
   2.  Brian Ahierr
   3.  Cory Casanave
   4.  Ed Summers
   5.  John Sheridan
   6.  Jos� Manuel Alonso
   7.  Ken Fischer
   8.  Manos Batsis
   9.  Mike Thacker
  10.  Roy Graham
  11.  Sandro Hawke
  12.  Taofeeq Olatinwo
  13.  Thomas Bandholtz

Project 3 : Government Linked Data: Demonstration 
   1.  Boubacar FOUMEKOYE
   2.  Brand Niemann
   3.  Brian Ahierr
   4.  Cory Casanave
   5.  Daniela Silva
   6.  Ed Summers
   7.  George Thomas
   8.  John Sheridan
   9.  Jos� Manuel Alonso
  10.  Manos Batsis
  11.  Michael Hausenblas
  12.  Sandro Hawke
  13.  Thomas Bandholtz
  14.  Vassilios Peristeras

Project 4 : Best Practices for Using Web Technologies to Deliver Government Services 
   1.  Adam Harvey
   2.  Boubacar FOUMEKOYE
   3.  Brand Niemann
   4.  Brian Ahierr
   5.  Brian Gryth
   6.  Bruce Melendy
   7.  Chris Beer
   8.  Clifford Thompson
   9.  Daniel Bennett
  10.  Ed Summers
  11.  Hugh Barnes
  12.  Ken Fischer
  13.  Phythian Mick
  14.  Quiroz Sergio 
  15.  Rachel Flagg
  16.  Rana SK
  17.  Sharron Rush
  18.  Taofeeq Olatinwo
  19.  Vagner Diniz
  20.  Vassilios Peristeras

Project 5 : Best Practices for Government Data Management 
   1.  Aldo Gangemi
   2.  Boubacar FOUMEKOYE
   3.  Brand Niemann
   4.  Brian Ahierr
   5.  Chris Beer
   6.  Daniel Bennett
   7.  Daniela Silva
   8.  Dave McAllister
   9.  Jonathan Gray
  10.  Quiroz Sergio 
  11.  Rana SK
  12.  Sharron Rush

Project 6 : Best Practices for Government Use of Social Media 
   1.  Brand Niemann
   2.  Brian Ahierr
   3.  Brian Gryth
   4.  Bruce Melendy
   5.  Chris Beer
   6.  Harry Holt
   7.  Ken Fischer
   8.  Owen Ambur
   9.  Phythian Mick
  10.  Rana SK
  11.  Steven Clift

Projects for each person:

  1.  Adam Harvey              projects: 4
  2.  Aldo Gangemi             projects: 1, 5
  3.  Boubacar FOUMEKOYE       projects: 1, 3, 4, 5
  4.  Brand Niemann            projects: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  5.  Brian Ahierr             projects: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  6.  Brian Gryth              projects: 4, 6
  7.  Bruce Melendy            projects: 4, 6
  8.  Chris Beer               projects: 4, 5, 6
  9.  Clifford Thompson        projects: 4
 10.  Cory Casanave            projects: 1, 2, 3
 11.  Daniel Bennett           projects: 4, 5
 12.  Daniel Dietrich          projects: 1
 13.  Daniela Silva            projects: 3, 5
 14.  Danny Ayers              projects: 1
 15.  Dave McAllister          projects: 1, 5
 16.  Ed Summers               projects: 1, 2, 3, 4
 17.  George Thomas            projects: 3
 18.  Harry Holt               projects: 6
 19.  Hugh Barnes              projects: 4
 20.  John Sheridan            projects: 1, 2, 3
 21.  Jonathan Gray            projects: 5
 22.  Jos� Manuel Alonso       projects: 1, 2, 3
 23.  Ken Fischer              projects: 2, 4, 6
 24.  Luigi Selmi              projects: 1
 25.  Manos Batsis             projects: 1, 2, 3
 26.  Michael Hausenblas       projects: 1, 3
 27.  Mike Thacker             projects: 2
 28.  Owen Ambur               projects: 6
 29.  Pedro Markun             projects: 1
 30.  Phythian Mick            projects: 4, 6
 31.  Quiroz Sergio            projects: 4, 5
 32.  Rachel Flagg             projects: 4
 33.  Rana SK                  projects: 4, 5, 6
 34.  Roy Graham               projects: 1, 2
 35.  Sandro Hawke             projects: 1, 2, 3
 36.  Sergey Lizin             projects: 1
 37.  Sharron Rush             projects: 4, 5
 38.  Steven Clift             projects: 6
 39.  Taofeeq Olatinwo         projects: 2, 4
 40.  Thomas Bandholtz         projects: 1, 2, 3
 41.  Vagner Diniz             projects: 4
 42.  Vassilios Peristeras     projects: 3, 4

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2010 05:39:55 UTC